Tag Archives: character test

A Test of Character

22 Sep

This theory (from August 1931 Popular Mechanics) is rather strange, but – without actually trying it – who knows whether it worked?

Color-Matching Test Shows Your Character

Color sense, the ability to match various tints of colors, has been found to have a definite relation to character, since it indicates mental balance. Dr. William S. Wadsworth, coroner’s  physician of Philadelphia, has evolved a color test to guage a man’s mental make-up and show whether or not he is capable of certain acts. From the results of such tests, he claims, it is possible to determine whether an individual is mentally well-ordered, whether he is whimsical and, aside from showing possible criminal tendencies, demonstrate also if he is fit to be put in a position of trust upon which the lives and safety of others may depend.

The equipment consists of a blackboard on which are pasted ten colored slips of paper with a small box back of each slip. The person taking the test is handed a package of 100 slips of tinted paper and asked to place in the receptacle the tints most nearly matching the sample in front of each. After the test, the papers are pasted on a large chart, each near the sample with which the person associated it. Provided the individual is not color-blind, he would be classed as whimsical, unstable and unreliable if he placed orange tints near greens and blues near yellows. The combinations may reveal a hysterical extent. Some artists and painters taking the tests have shown a queer color sense, and one etcher who works in blacks and whites was found to be color-blind.